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Advanced Dropdown Lists

With Advanced Dropdown Lists, your field dropdown lists display items based on another field value. It simplifies data entry and ensures that the user is only presented with dropdown options relevant to the information already entered in other fields.

When you change the region field, the salesman
field dropdown list automatically adjusts itself.

Simple to use

As with all our add-ons, Advanced Dropdown Lists is simple to use. You simply select the field you want to attach a dropdown to, the reference field and associate your user-defined lists to the values of this reference field.

You may have as many Advanced Dropdown Lists as you want. It works with Contact, Company and Group fields.



Across this Web site, ACT! and ACT! Premium might be referred to as ACT! or Sage ACT!. Sage ACT! was the product name from 2010 to 2013.

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Exponenciel has been a leading developer of Sage ACT! add-ons, Sage ACT! addons, Sage ACT! plug-ins, Sage ACT! plugins since 2001.
ACT!, ACT! for Workgroup, ACT! for Web, ACT! Pro and ACT! Premium are registered trademarks of Swiftpage.