The purpose of the Default Static List is to associate a static list to all the values of the reference field
that have not already been associated a static list.
In the example shown here, it is useless because the reference has 4 possible values (we have made sure that the user
has no other options) and each value has been associated a static list.
But here are 2 examples in which the option is of interest:
- Your reference field has 20 different possible values. You need to associate StaticListA to 3 of these values and
StaticListB to the 17 other values. What you do then to save time is associate the 3 values to StaticListA and choose StaticListB
as Default Static List. That way your 17 other values are associated to StaticListB by default.
- You do not restrict data entry in the reference field to your ACT! dropdown list (i. have not set up your reference field
with the Limit to list option shown in the previous topic). The Default Static List becomes your catch-all list for
the unpredicted values that the user will enter in the reference field.