To save a lookup, create your lookup, hen simply click the corresponding Add Lookup to Favorites menu item.
You're presented with this window and a choice of 1 to 3 lookup options depending on the situation (options will be disabled when not available)
Explanation of the 3 Lookup Options
- Currently Selected Records in Grid: if you are in a list view and you have highlighted items (as shown in the screenshot), you have the option to save a lookup of these records (here 3 records are selected)
- Static Lookup: if you choose this option, the list of records in the current lookup will be saved. If you create a lookup of contacts whose lastname starts with "C" and it returns 10 contacts, these 10 contacts will be stored. If you later had another contact whose lastname starts with "C", s/he will not be included when you call back the favorite. If you change the lastname of one of the contact and it does not start with "C" anymore, the contact will still be part of the lookup when you call back the favorite. In other words, no matter what happens, you will always get 10 contacts (unless one or more are deleted from the database).
- Dynamic Lookup: if you choose this option, you're saving not the records but the lookup criterias. So if we take the same example as above, when you call back the favorite, it will always return the contacts whose lastname starts with "C". The number of records will vary according to the changes made to the database.
This last option will only be enabled after you create a lookup based on criterias, ie. through the Lookup menu whereas the first option will only be enabled when you are in a list view and more than one record is selected.
Note that Static Lookups and Dynamic Lookups have slightly different icons in the menu.
Default options
By default, the number of records is automatically appended to the name of the lookup for static lookups. You can turn this option off (go to the Options window and you'll see a Append Count to Static Lookup Name checkbox.
Still for static lookups only, you have the option to append a Time Stamp to the name of your lookup. The idea here is to record the date and time the lookup was created so that you may compare the results of a lookup at different points in time.